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Students from Miass, Russia are sharing their ideas what a special place means to them.
Natalia Bannova, 10A grade:
Each person has a special placeThis place is very dear. I also have a special place. It is a wood. After all in the wood it is possible to do all that you want. There’s always fresh air. You can admire everything in the wood: green grass, high trees, beautiful flowers, different animals, you also can hear how the stream runs. I love going to the wood at any time of the year.
Especially it is very beautiful in the wood at night: stars sparkle in the sky, the moon, deep silence shines…
Wood is the greatest source of inspiration and health.
Katya Vashurina, 10 A grade:
Dacha is a house outside the city. This is my favorite place. We go to the dacha together with my family. Dacha is the most peaceful place on the earth, where you can relax and dream. Near the dacha there is a beautiful green forest. And also at the dacha there’s a big garden. The garden is full of: fruits, vegetables and beautiful flowers which grow there. This place is very dear to me. This dacha was built by my grandparents, who, unfortunately, had passed away. The main thing about the dacha is that there’s always fresh and clean air.
To spend vacations at the dacha is a great pleasure for the whole family.
Nastya Mazinina, 10 A grade:
My grandmother lives in a real Russian house in the village.
The house was built by my great-grandfather. It was built without a single nail or a steel bolt. The ends of the logs were connected so that kept each other out. All pine logs had been hidden throughout the spine. It also strengthens the walls. Such houses are usually decorated with wooden carvings.
The village street is one such grandmother's cottage - lovely, with lace trims, with a patterned balconies with intricate porch.
I love to visit with her grandmother in her house. It’s a special place for me.
Nickolai Shakhov, 10 A grade:
A special place in my life is my club <karting>. This is where I like to be.
I look forward to Saturday to quickly go to the club. There, I have many friends. They also like our club . We do not only ride on the carts! We collect them ourselves, and repair. Our competitions are held every year. Our coach helps us to learn the traffic rules for passing on the right. I especially like to participate in the competitions!
I go to this section for four years. It occupies a special place in my life!
Masha Shirokova,10 A grade:
My special place it is my home.
I love to come to my family place very much , have supper with my lovely mother and stepfather. I like to help my mummy do a room, make dinner and breakfast. I like my table with my creative disorder and heaps of things, my computer with many beautiful pictures, photos, wonderful music. Sure I like to associate with my friends in the Internet. I like to watch films with a cup of coffee in the evening. I love my cat Beileys. I like to play with it and sleep with her in my bed.
I love my home so much that’s why it’s a special place for me.
Dasha Dmitrieva, 10 A grade:
Each person has a special place. This place can not be special, but it can be very dear to a person. At this place he can have the best memories. I also have such a special place.
I love spending my time in the garden. Not far from our garden there is a wonderful lake. In summer my friends and I like to swim in it. In the garden I like to take care of flowers and berries. In the winter I also come to my lovely garden with my friends and we have fun. This place is very dear to me. Because I spent there my childhood. And I’m very happy when I come back.
Ksenia Tumanova, 10 A grade:
Special place it is your favorite place. It’s a place where you have been many times and where you like to spend your time. Every one has a special place. For some people it is their flat or home and for the other people it may be their favorite park or lake.
I have a special place too. For me a special place is my grandparents’ house. I come there every summer and live there for about two months.
The house is situated in the countryside. Next to my grandparents’ house there are houses of my friends. We like to spend time together, for example go to the lake or ride our bicycles.
This place is special for me because I come here only one time a year, because it situated very far from my town.

Kristina Markova, 10 A grade:
Every person has his own special place. There people like to have a rest and relax after a difficult working day.
As for me I have a special place too. It is the place which is situated at Lake Turgoyak.
Lake Turgoyak is a very popular place for rest. A lot of people want to visit this lake because there is very clean water.
In summer my parents and I spend a lot of time there. I like fresh air, clean water, the sun and the blue sky. I like to swim, take sunbath and enjoy beautiful nature. In winter I dream to visit this wonderful place.
Irina Melyeshkina, 10 A grade :
Each person has his own special place where he likes to spend his free time .
I also have a special place and not only one . The first place is the street . Here you can just get together with your friends and have fun . Sometimes we get together and go on the roof of any big house . There we can see part of the city and a very beautiful sunset . The second special place is a forest . In the forest it is very beautiful and quiet , you can simply stroll about something to dream . The third place special is the village . It is also very nice to go there . In the village there are 8 houses . Almost most part of my identical life passed in the village. I lived with my grandmother. There is a very beautiful waterfall . Though I live in a town I love to come to the village because I have many friends here. And I think that after all the village is my most special place of all .
Olga Prosvirina, 10A grade:
A special place is a place which is very important for you, where you feel comfortable and peaceful. It is very interesting and pleasant to be here. All people have a special place. For someone it is a family, a house, a stadium, for another it is a forest or a lake.
My the first special place is my house. It is very interesting, comfortable and pleasant to be here. I live with my mother and my cat Barsik. Our flat consists of 2 rooms: my room and my mother's room. My house is my favorite place.
My the second special place is Lake Tyrgoyak. It is a very beautiful and picturesque lake. I like to spend my time on the lake: go on picnics, swim and sunburn here. I always go to the Tyrgoyak in summer.
These places are special for me, because they are my favorite places, I like to spend my time here.
Sasha Kovrigin, 10A grade:
A speсial place for me is not a place where I go to relax every day but
a place which I dream of visiting one day.
Old Trafford is a stadium of football club Manchester United.This stadium is located in England in Manchester.
For me it's not just the stadium because there’s a MU club for which I root for.
Old Trafford is called the theatre of Dream.
At this stadium MU has been pleasing its fans more than a hundred years!
This stadium is imbued with "spirit of MU".
In this stadium a lot of the greatest players in football history have ever played.
I have never been to Old Trafford but I dream of going there one day.
At any stadium a person can feel emotional support from other fans and when it comes to Old Trafford you feel the energy and magnetism of the football players and their fans .This stadium is famous all over the world as "Theatre of Dream".
People from all over the world dream to watch at least one game of MU on Old Trafford with their own eyes.
Because it is truly a fantastic "spectacle".
Anna Evseeva,10 A grade
For me a special place is my house and my family. Here I can both have a rest and talk to my congenial souls. I like my house very much and the place where it is. My house is on the bank of the pond, in a lane. Here it is always silent and quiet: cars don't run much, it is possible to bathe, sunbathe and have a rest there near the pond . In the kitchen garden there is an arbor where in the summer my family get together for picnics. There are a lot of berries in the neighborhood. One can hardly find a place like this.
I like my house very much!
Anna Hohlova,10A grade:
A special place is a place where you like to spend a free time very much with the relatives and friends. My special place is Lake Turgoyak. This is a very beautiful place. I am sure each person who comes to the Turgoyak admires its beauty. Every summer I go there to have a rest with the family. When you also can go for a drive on a catamaran, it is very interesting to look at different places around the lake . I also like to observe sailing vessels and fascinating yachts . In general this place is very beautiful and it always will remain my favorite special place.
Yaroslav Pylaev , 4 grade (Tutor Elena Lyezina)
The village of Smorodinka is my favourite place. My grandmother lives here. Smorodinka is located on the river Miass. It is surrounded by famous Ural Mountains.I always spend nice holidays there. I help grandmother about the house with pleasure. I feed pullets and my little dog Jack. Also I am keen on playing with grandmother’s cat Simon. It is very kind and funny.
Moreover I like to ski from little mountains in winter. When it’s spring I enjoy throwing paper boats in the creek. And in summer I take sunbathes, play football with my friends. Finally when leaves start to fall down I help my grandmother to dig up potatoes.
To sum it up I always spend my time there with great pleasure. And every time when I see my grandmother I always know that my weekend will be fantastic!
Alyona Domnaryeva, 2nd year student (educator Elena Lyezina)
Since my childhood I’ve wanted to become a teacher that’s why I entered Miass Teacher Training College to become a teacher of German.
I live in a neighbouring town and it takes me an hour to get to the college, but I don’t mind!
This place attracts me not only because I can get knowledge and skills for my future job here, but also it’s a cosy second home with a lot of flowers in the hall, a comfortable reading room and friendly people.
One more thing I like about the college is that I’m involved in different kinds of extra-curricular activities.
Most of all I’m interested in my work as a correspondent in our wall newspaper «Zachetka» which covers various events of students’ life in a humorous way.
And there is a Special-Special Place in the college where all the students run in the long break.
It’s our canteen! The food is finger-licking good! Yum-yum!
If you have a chance to visit Miass which is in the south of the Ural Mountains, welcome to our college and you are sure to feel our hospitality and a special friendly atmosphere!