среда, 22 июня 2011 г.


   IEARN(International Education and Resourse Network) offers innumerous highly ITC  tools to enhance teaching in different educational areas. Teachers and students work hard through the school year at their projects  and then arrange online  Skype or Elluminate meetings or VC  to share their final work with each other and discuss  some important project issues.

 On June 21 there was a VC between Pakistani and Russian students. 

Karachi,Pakistan students 

Pakistani  students are participating in a two-year after school English language teaching program and  come from three different centers.   Please check it at http://www.iearnpk.org/accesskhi/index.html . 

Students from Miass, Russia
The First Educational Summer Camp "Magister IQ"  has been organized within the governmental program "Gifted students". Students from different schools were awarded the right to rest and get more knowledge at the  Summer Camp "Master IQ"  in June. 
Mainly these students are winners of Maths and Physics Olympiads

Teachers of different subjects were invited to teach summer camp students. But instead of typical school subjects we were supposed to involve them into creative activities.

The Russian  students decided to tell  Pakistani students about famous Russian folk tales characters.
They drew pictures of the famous Russian folk tales heroes....

 ....posted their greetings  and art to the project forum ....

 Ksenia and Polina made a picture of one of the most famous Russian folk tales character Baba Yaga.

This Video Conference  has been run thanks to advice and support from the Folk Tales/Storeytelling:Past and Present Project Facilitator  Saleem Ibrahim. 

<<"That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind" Neil Armstrong said when he landed on the moon. Same goes with this connection, maybe a small step for us, but a giant leap for our students.>> 
Saleem, I completely agree with you.

Here is the link for  Pakistan Facebook post of the same event.

Thank you, Saleem!!!

Even when our students are on their long summer break there are amazing ways to teach them 21st century skills.

Thank you, IEARN!

To learn more details about the IEARN  Folk Tales/Storytelling:Past and Present Project you can here http://media.iearn.org/projects/folktales