вторник, 13 декабря 2011 г.

воскресенье, 13 ноября 2011 г.

Dear friends,
It's almost here! The second annual Global Education Conference is a week-long, and free, event bringing together educators and innovators from around the world. The conference features sessions and keynote addresses to inspire global connections, projects, ideas, and action in an increasingly connected world.

среда, 22 июня 2011 г.


   IEARN(International Education and Resourse Network) offers innumerous highly ITC  tools to enhance teaching in different educational areas. Teachers and students work hard through the school year at their projects  and then arrange online  Skype or Elluminate meetings or VC  to share their final work with each other and discuss  some important project issues.

 On June 21 there was a VC between Pakistani and Russian students. 

Karachi,Pakistan students 

Pakistani  students are participating in a two-year after school English language teaching program and  come from three different centers.   Please check it at http://www.iearnpk.org/accesskhi/index.html . 

Students from Miass, Russia
The First Educational Summer Camp "Magister IQ"  has been organized within the governmental program "Gifted students". Students from different schools were awarded the right to rest and get more knowledge at the  Summer Camp "Master IQ"  in June. 
Mainly these students are winners of Maths and Physics Olympiads

Teachers of different subjects were invited to teach summer camp students. But instead of typical school subjects we were supposed to involve them into creative activities.

The Russian  students decided to tell  Pakistani students about famous Russian folk tales characters.
They drew pictures of the famous Russian folk tales heroes....

 ....posted their greetings  and art to the project forum ....

 Ksenia and Polina made a picture of one of the most famous Russian folk tales character Baba Yaga.

This Video Conference  has been run thanks to advice and support from the Folk Tales/Storeytelling:Past and Present Project Facilitator  Saleem Ibrahim. 

<<"That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind" Neil Armstrong said when he landed on the moon. Same goes with this connection, maybe a small step for us, but a giant leap for our students.>> 
Saleem, I completely agree with you.

Here is the link for  Pakistan Facebook post of the same event.

Thank you, Saleem!!!

Even when our students are on their long summer break there are amazing ways to teach them 21st century skills.

Thank you, IEARN!

To learn more details about the IEARN  Folk Tales/Storytelling:Past and Present Project you can here http://media.iearn.org/projects/folktales

понедельник, 30 мая 2011 г.

Welcome to school 16

Why did you decide to become a teacher?

This is a question often asked. To tell the truth I don’t remember exactly why? At the age of 17, when I had  to  choose my   future career , I could either choose a career of an English language teacher because I adored  my own English teacher who was young, dressed fashionably  and  she knew her subject well. Or because my granddad was a headmaster and there at home I heard a lot about inner world of school life. At the same time I remember that being high school students few friends of mine and I were pioneer leaders and involved junior students in after school activities. May be all these factors combined directed me straight to the Teachers’ Training Institute? I don’t remember.
  But there comes another question: “Why didn’t I change my job taking into consideration poor conditions of teachers in Russia?” Every time when  there appeared good offers  to change the job the first thought always was “Yes, I shall apply for a new job.” But on the second thought I could hardly imagine myself doing this or that monotonous work. One can’t help denying that teacher’s job is difficult and at the same time it is  creative, unpredictable and public. A teacher can be compared to an orchestra conductor who gives instructions and lets pupils perform. Also, a good teacher implies many roles.  A teacher assumes many roles even during one lesson. A good teacher is a mentor, a motivator and a counselor, a spark that ignites students and inspires their hearts and minds  to the subject and sometimes to the other aspects of life. I teach students aged from 7 to 17, and always modify my methods to match the students’ needs. I know for sure that if you are motivated and love your subject students accept you and your creative ideas. They have motivation and go happily to school for your classes.
 On the contrary if you are not motivated, your apathy is transmitted to your students.
   A teacher can’t work at school without love for children. Love means that a teacher and his/her students understand each other without words.
I am a Teacher, and I am proud of it.
I am an English Teacher and it also makes me proud.
   I can make my small classroom a part of global community and the global community a part of my classroom. My students are proud that I am their Teacher.

This lovely song tells a lot how it is to be a teacher.
And are you proud of being a teacher?

понедельник, 25 апреля 2011 г.

How social networks train social skills | eLearning Africa News Portal

How social networks train social skills eLearning Africa News Portal


Dear friends,

I would like to share with you a film about the global youth climate movement. Young people from all over the world got together at UN Climate Change Conference in Cancun, Mexico to speak out their frustrations and hopes regarding world climate change problems.

This short documentary was created by a young talented filmmaker from Canada Slater Jewell-Kemker.The film won at TIFF for best emerging young filmmaker at the Toronto International Film Festival - Jump Cuts.

AN INCONVENIENT YOUTH is a documentary that gives a voice to kids on the front lines of climate change.

An Inconvenient Youth - Cancun, Mexico from Slater Jewell-Kemker on Vimeo.

I do hope that watching and discussing "An Inconvient Youth" with our students will help us, ELT,  make our English classes more exciting and meaningful.

суббота, 26 марта 2011 г.

Together with birds project

   Ural is known for long, cold  and frosty winters. It's a hard time for our small friends - animals and birds. When there was launched An International  Feed a bird action 
(coordinator Svetlana Yakubovskaya, Belarus) school 16, Miass students joined it without any doubt.  This lovely bird was   chosen as  a logo for their activity .       
    Students of different grades worked at this project-action as one team. Handicraft teacher Alexander Rudko taught his students to make feeders. Elementary school students created poems and booklets,  drew pictures of wintering birds and made canteens for their feathering friends. Have a look at this slide show and you will see how enthusiastic the students were.


Denis Zadorogin  ( 3B grade) is sharing his concern about wintering birds in Ural region :

      "Winter is a difficult time for those birds which don’t fly away to warm countries. Wintering birds suffer from cold and hunger. It’s difficult for them to find some food under the thick layer of snow. I think we must help our feathering friends. I made a feeder and hang it on the birch tree in my yard. I put  on there some seeds, bread  crump and millet. Every morning different birds flew up  to my feeder – sparrows and  tomtits.  Once I saw a beautiful  bullfinch.

   We must care for wintering birds and in summer time they will thank us with their singing and catching  insects in our gardens."

 Some students made poems .  :)))))

«Воробей, мой воробьишка, Прилетай ко мне скорей, Покормлю тебя до сыта, Будешь сытый воробей »

... and created fascinating feeding palaces for their feathering friends.
How do you find these creations?

Students also created power point presentations  within  the   International Feed the birds action.
Matvey Gorchakov  , 3A grade (Teacher Irina Liskonog) is sharing his concern about wintering birds.

Eugeni Michailov , 3 A grade (Teacher Irina Liskonog) attracts our attention to our feathering friends' difficulties through poems and  riddles.        

Andrei Michalischev , 2 G grade,  is sharing a story about an amazing  Tomtit's Day celebration in old Rus and  fascinating connected with birds tokens . 

To learn more about  Together with birds project you can follow these links 


четверг, 17 марта 2011 г.


  6 G grade students ( school 16, Miass, Russia )  are awarded  diplomas and special gifts  for winning  the honourable second place at the  First  2011  City Student Research Conference

    Polina Minorova,  Maria Ivanova and Luidmila Zhmaeva (from left to right)  took an active part   in the Christmas Card Exchange Project  ( IEARN) in 2010. They got interested in Christmas celebrations in country-partners,conducted  research to learn more  about differences in Christmas and New Year celebrations and presented their  findings  at the First 2011 City Student Research Conference held in Miass on March, 12.


воскресенье, 13 марта 2011 г.

A Mobile Christmas Card Exchange Project Exhibition in Miass Teacher Training College

Dear friends,

as I had mentioned earlier there was a Mobile Christmas Card Exchange Progect  Exhibition  in Miass Teacher Training College. Elena Lyezina , a Miass Teacher Training College educator, and her students have shared amazing photos of this exciting action.

Dear Elena, thanks a lot for involving your students in global project activities.

Looking forward to more fabulous contributions from Elena and her students!

понедельник, 21 февраля 2011 г.


 The group of 6G grade  students  from school 16,Miass, Russia   took  an active part in the global IEARN  Christmas Card Exchange” project.

Project facilitator Judy Barr, Australia

Project objectives: 
To let   the partners of  the project get acquainted with  a tradition of Christmas and New Year  celebrations and to congratulate each other on the most joyful and favorite holidays.

Full description of the project you can find here 

Our partners were students  from different countries of the world:

 Vietnam,Oman, USA, Taiwan, Philippinnes and Belarus


    6G grade  students  joined the international project  activity with great  enthusiasm. They are Maria Morozova, Polina Minorova, Anna Vorobyeva, Nastya Vishnyakova, Lyuda Zhmaeva, Masha Ivanova, Nastya Murdasova, Katya Murdasova, Katya Yeremeyeva and Ksyusha Titova.           

     During  several months 6 G grade  students  collected  material for  mailing packages to be sent to  different countries of the world. They decorated handmade  cards, wrote short stories about themselves  and  warm wishes on Christmas and New Year.

We hope that you will enjoy this slideshow. Sparkling  eyes and happy faces prove that my  students got amazed with their global experience.

     When the project had finished there was organized a  global Christmas Card  Exchange Exhibition in our school  and every project participant got a certificate from a project facilitator Judy Barr. There was also organized a mobile  exhibition to let students from other schools and Miass Teacher Training College to enjoy global Christmas  and New Year greetings. Greeting cards inspired students to join the project next year.=)))

Our partners from Oman

 Our parners from Taiwan

 This video has been  made by Judy Barr, a project facilitator. She is kindly sharing it for all of us to enjoy unforgettable moments of the project.

   Got interested?
To learn more about Christmas Card Exchange project - 2010  you can here
To catch a dream  and not  to miss the registration  for 2011
 watch the iEARN News Flash E-Newsletter in September 2011 when registrations for  the project  will begin.